Project 3

Thrown and Altered Project 3

Problem: Create a series of forms that use bottomless, altered cylinders attached to a slab base

Objective: Learn the basic technique for throwing cylinders without bottoms, to become familiar with attaching oval or squared forms to a base, and to develop imagery that utilizes the altered cylinder as a point of departure for formal experimentation in wheel thrown forms.  Learn how to make a slab lid for an altered cylinder.
Identify several oval forms of other artists that interest you with regard to design as well as personal expression.

Make several sketches of that explore variations in using the demonstrated technique. 

Produce 20 pieces that display the following:
-6 pieces with attached slab bottoms.
-4 pieces with attached slab bottoms and slab made lids
-10 pieces that show experimentation with the demonstrated techniques

Discuss the drawings you have made with your instructor before beginning
Pay attention to timing during the alteration of the cylinder as well as the drying of the piece.


-reinforce all connections with a coil
-dry all pieces slowly
-take advantage of timing during drying

Thrown and Altered Oval Forms by H.P. Bloomer